Asbestos and Abrasive Blasting

Asbestos Permit Application Fees
Please note: The asbestos and abrasive blasting fee schedule has been updated. Permit application fees for Municipal Demolitions of Residential Structures remains at a flat fee of $350 per structure, other fees reflect a modest increase.
Asbestos and Abrasive Blasting Fee Schedule(PDF, 131KB)
Asbestos is a dangerous mineral that is associated with approximately 15,000 deaths each year in the U.S. Durable and heat resistant, asbestos acts as a natural insulator and fireproofing material. Asbestos-containing materials are often found in buildings both old and new.
Due to the significant health risk, the health department regulates asbestos handling activities across the county. ACHD Article XXI, Part E, Subpart 6(PDF, 317KB) contains all Allegheny County rules and regulations pertaining to asbestos, incorporating the EPA Asbestos National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP - 40 CFR Part 61, Subpart M).
Allegheny County requires that all asbestos abatement contractors be licensed through the ACHD.
All renovation and demolition work on buildings containing a certain amount of asbestos must follow the ACHD rules and regulations; however, private homeowners are exempt from these regulations when performing work on their own home.
The intent is to minimize public exposure to airborne asbestos fibers. Accordingly, the Asbestos NESHAP specifies work practices to be followed during demolition and renovations of all structures, installations, and buildings.
Asbestos Information and Resources
Abrasive Blasting
The Abrasive Blasting program’s goal is to reduce emissions, dust, and contaminants by assisting regulating abrasive (sand) blasting and power tool cleaning through a permitting and inspection program. The program also continually assists the community by providing specific project guidance.
Abrasive Blasting permit applications are now being accepted through the Regulated Entities Portal (REP). For more information visit the Regulated Entities Portal.