Office of Community Services

For Current Contractors Providing Services Through OCS

Services formally provided through OCS have been relocated to various DHS offices. Visit the OCS page to see details.

Data-Processing Applications

HMIS - Homeless Management Information System


Resources & Forms

For All OCS Bureaus

Homeless and Housing Services

Client View

Fiscal Resources

Shelter Triage & Housing Pathway Resources

Health Resources & Referral Forms

Technical Assistance and Incident Report Resources

Landlord and Tenant Resources

Coordinated Entry Resources

HMIS Data Collection Templates
These documents have been developed to be in compliance with the Department of Housing and Urban Development Data Standards and follow the flow of Allegheny County’s HMIS System. Please locate the forms based on which program type your organization operates. There are two versions of every form – one to fill out on the computer and one to fill out by hand, printed out. If there are any issues or concerns, please contact the Homeless and Housing Data Specialist. As there are updates to the HUD Data Standards and in turn, HMIS, these will be updated and shared with all organizations.

Street Outreach

Emergency Shelter

Rental Assistance & Prevention

Bridge, Rapid Rehousing, & Supportive Housing

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project – Supportive Service Only

Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project – Rapid Rehousing