Residents Housing Support

The Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED) Housing Development Division strives to:
- Expand safe, affordable housing stock
- Assist residents with home acquisition and rehabilitation
Housing Development Division
The Housing Development Division undertakes major projects such as providing financial support for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable for-sale and rental housing. The division also provides home repair/rehabilitation loans and mortgages directly to eligible residents.
The division supports developments that include a variety of housing choices that promote diversity within a community, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, income level, and disability status. Division initiatives are integral to overall community development, addressing and directing resources to community needs.
Division Goals
- Quality construction, including shared financing partnerships, and participation of minority and/or women-owned business enterprises
- Quality project management, including fair housing procedures to ensure equal housing choices for all participants
- Proposed projects with demonstrated community need
- Complementary development as part of a larger socioeconomic plan in communities where developments are proposed
Other Resources
Housing & Shelter Services
Search for a safe place to sleep, get help finding housing or staying in your home.
Save Your Home Program
Lean about assistance for homeowners facing mortgage foreclosure.
ACTION-Housing, Inc.
Non-profit aimed at providing affordable housing and housing services.
Browse Additional ACED Resources