Deed Certification Rejection: Legal Description

No Legal Description in the Deed

The deed is required to contain a legal description that contains subdivision Plan Book Volume and Page and Lot reference, or bearings and distance, and does not contain such.

The recording of a Corrective Deed is required that includes the complete legal description.

Incorrect Legal Description

Please verify the legal description in the deed with the Office of Property Assessments records and make any necessary corrections in the filing of a Corrective Deed.

Illegal Subdivision

The deed is selling part of a property.

Both state and county planning codes state that only subdivision plans can split property.

Please review the deed description against the description that the Office of Property Assessments lists in their records to rectify the two descriptions.

Wrong Plan Description

An updated description (Plan Book Volume/Page, Plan Name, and Lot Number) must be filed in a Corrective Deed to reflect the plan and/or lot that is describe in Office of Property Assessments records.

Property Already Sold to Another Owner

Please verify the legal descriptions in all pertinent deeds.

New Plan Needs to be Recorded

The plan that is referenced does not subdivide the property as intended.

In order to subdivide the property as described in the legal description, a new plan must be recorded.


Contact your attorney for any questions concerning your deed or the legality of its contents. Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.

Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.