Deed Certification Rejection: Invalid Certificate

Certificate of Residence

Invalid Certificate of Residence

  1. Incomplete
  2. Not a valid mailing address per the United States Postal Service.
  3. Review the Certificate of Residence Requirements.

Other Rejection Reasons

Adverse possession

  1. Deed is for an adverse possession, which our office cannot process without a court order.
  2. Please obtain a court order specifying ownership of the property and file a new deed with the court order.

Prior deed cannot be processed

  1. The prior deed to this filing cannot be processed by our office due to a discrepancy or inaccuracy.
  2. Please contact our office to discuss the issue that must be resolved.

Incorrect percent / interest of ownership

  1. Please review Office of Property Assessments records to verify the information and resolve by Recording a Corrective Deed.


Contact your attorney for any questions concerning your deed or the legality of its contents. Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.

Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.