Deed Certification Rejection: Grantors

No Assessment Found under Grantor

According to our records, there is no property assessment under the name of the grantor on the deed.

Please contact us with proper recording information on previous deeds that would reflect proper ownership, or a Corrective Deed may need to be filed to correct this problem.

Incorrect Grantor

According to our records, not all property on the deed is owned by the grantor.

Please verify ownership and legal descriptions to correct any discrepancies. A Corrective Deed will be required.

Grantor Name not Accurate

According to our records the spelling and/or name of the grantor is different than is recorded in the deed.

Please make any necessary corrections to the deed and file a Corrective Deed to match the previous deeded spellings and/or names.

Grantor Missing on Deed

Not all grantees from previous deed are grantors in current deed.

Please review previous deeds and assessment records. A Corrective Deed must be recorded.

Will / Administrator Reference Required

There is no will book reference, schedule B reference, or reference of deceased spouse who still has title on property.

The deed is required to include references to any owners titled, per the last recorded document, that may be deceased and how the grantors have the right to sell the property or why the decedent is not listed on the deed.

A Corrective Deed will need to be recorded.


Contact your attorney for any questions concerning your deed or the legality of its contents. Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.

Our office will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the recording of your deed, but will not determine the correctness or legality of the information contained therein.