Road and Bridge Permits

Highway Occupancy Permit (Construction)
A Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) is required before any individual, utility company, municipality, authority, corporation, or organization performs any construction within, under, or over an Allegheny County right-of-way.
Right-of-way is an area of land designated for use as a road or bridge, including the travel portion, shoulders, curbs, berms, gutters, and any other area needed for drainage structures, guide rail, or road signs.
Examples of typical work within county right-of-way include utility line installations and repairs, driveway and sidewalk installations and repairs, road sign installations and repairs, new storm sewer connections, and new road connections.
Construction work is only allowed within county right-of-way once a permit has been issued. When emergency work is necessary, a permit is required within 72 hours after the work is completed.
To learn more about our Highway Occupancy Permit policies, procedures, and fees related to construction:
Download Public Works Permit Manual(PDF, 2MB)
To apply for a Highway Occupancy Permit for construction, download an application and other potentially required forms:
The completed forms and a bond or certificate of insurance can be emailed to or mailed to:
Allegheny County Department of Public Works, Attn: Permits Manager
County Office Building
542 Forbes Avenue, Room 501
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Fees will be assessed during the permit review process.
If you have a question about applying for a Highway Occupancy Permit related to construction, email or call 412-350-5874.
Highway Occupancy Permit (Special Events/Film Shoots)
A Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) is required before any individual, municipality, corporation, or organization can temporarily occupy or restrict traffic on a county-owned road and bridge for a special event or film shoot. Special events include parades and other community events, runs, walks, athletic competitions, block parties, exhibits, and performances. First Amendment activities, such as public assemblies and marches, political and religious speeches, printed material distribution, and signature collection, do not require a Public Works permit.
No traffic restriction is allowed on a county-owned road or bridge for a special event or film shoot until a permit has been issued.
To apply for a Highway Occupancy Permit for a special event or film shoot:
Download Highway Occupancy Permit (Special Events and Film Shoots) Application(PDF, 224KB)
A completed application, certificate of insurance, and traffic control plan can be submitted via:
412-350-5386 (include a cover sheet that includes an attention to the Public Information Officer)
Allegheny County Department of Public Works
Attn: Public Information Officer
County Office Building
542 Forbes Avenue, Room 501
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The fee for special events and film shoots is $80 per day for each road, bridge, and/or tunnel used.
If you have a question about applying for Highway Occupancy Permit for a special event or film shoot, contact Brent Wasko at or 412-350-2451.
Overload/Oversize Permit
An Overload/Oversize Permit is required before driving a vehicle on an Allegheny County-owned roadway or bridge that is more than:
- 8 feet 6 inches wide OR
- 13 feet 6 inches high OR
- 75 feet long OR
- 80,000 pounds
To apply for an Overload/Oversize Permit, download an application:
Download an Overload/Oversize Permit Application(PDF, 1MB)
Applications must be submitted at least three business days before an overloaded or oversized vehicle can use a county-owned road or bridge. A minimum of two weeks’ notice is required for superloads, which are vehicles that are more than 16 feet wide, 160 feet long, and/or 201,000 pounds.
A completed application and certificate of insurance can be submitted via:
412-350-2523 (include a cover sheet that includes an attention to Kevin Lemon)
Allegheny County Department of Public Works
Attn: Kevin Lemon
County Office Building
542 Forbes Avenue, Room 501
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
The fee is $100 for single trips involving a county-owned road and $250 for single trips involving a county-owned bridge. The fee for annual permits involving county-owned roads is $200 and $500 for county-owned bridges. Please note that some trips require a police escort, which can add to the overall cost.
If you have a question about applying for an Overload/Oversize Permit, email or call 412-350-2517.