2021 Allegheny County Latinx Needs Assessment
The Latinx population of Allegheny County is growing fast. It is important to understand this community's demographics, geographic locations, and how our social, health and human services systems are and are not meeting their needs, so we can strengthen families and advance the health and wellness that are crucial to supporting the local Latinx community.
In order to better understand the diversity of this community and its needs, in early 2020 the Latinx community asked Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) to commission a community needs assessment. DHS issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) in August 2020, and a review committee selected Metis Associates as the successful proposer. The RFP(PDF, 343KB) is available as well as award details and the successful proposal.
The Assessment, which was conducted between January and September 2021, was a collaboration between Metis Associates, a research firm from New York; MonWin, an urban planning firm in Pittsburgh; and several community researchers. The Assessment includes interviews with community leaders and service providers, focus groups with community members, and a review of public and administrative data sources. The needs assessment, which is available in Spanish and English, was published in January 2022.
2016 Allegheny County Latino Needs Assessment
In 2016, the Latino Family Center and Casa San Jose conducted a study of the Latinx community in Allegheny County, which engaged numerous members of the Pittsburgh area’s Latino population to better understand their community’s hopes and challenges. The Assessment articulates Latino community members’ goals related to family reunification, education and financial success, as well as barriers related to the lack of bilingual services and information, access to healthcare and more. The Assessment was completed concurrently with the Immigrant Community Blueprint.