Trainings for DHS Staff and Providers
Taking part in a training session is an excellent way to learn more about the human services arena and obtain answers to your questions. Whether you are looking for more general information or are interested in a specific program or service offered by Department of Human Services (DHS), please check out the offerings below for additional information.
Racial Equity
Racial Equity Training and Support Directory(PDF, 987KB)
Listing of qualified providers offering trainings for staff and stakeholders to address disparate outcomes for people of color.
Family/Child Welfare Trainings
Credential for Strengths-Based Family Workers (SFW)
Designed for persons who work directly with individuals and families.
Mandated Reporter Training
This three-hour, online, mandated reporter training is approved and required by the Pa. Department of Human Services.
Behavioral Health
Services for Children and Young Adults with Serious Emotional Disorders
Provides information on services including the Student Assistance Program (SAP), Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) for students with special needs or on special education legislation and regulations for DHS and provider agencies serving children in Allegheny County schools.
Contact Ruth Ann Koss.
Service Coordination Trainings and Certificates
These certificates are required of all individuals who currently provide service coordination services for persons with a mental health disorder.
Developmental Supports
The DHS Office of Developmental Supports (ODS) offers trainings about the ID/A System, especially in Allegheny County, and regarding ODS specifically. These trainings are tailored for each audience and include sharing of systems and community resources. Presentations that have a specific focus on transition planning and/or employment are available.
Pennsylvania's General and Special Education/Disability Accommodation Screen