Human Services Block Grant
Allegheny County is one of the counties participating in the PA Department of Human Services Human Services Block Grant pilot program. The block grant allows for greater flexibility in providing certain services to county residents.
County Human Services Block Grant Documents
DHS Annual Plans and Budgets
The block grant combines seven different funding line items into one grant for counties to administer. It includes funding for services such as mental health and intellectual disability community programs, child welfare special grants, homeless assistance, behavioral health services, and drug and alcohol funds.
Human Services Block Grant Overview(PDF, 543KB)
The main components of the block grant pilot as discussed in the state's guidelines.
Advisory Board
The Human Services Block Grant Advisory Board provides on-going recommendations and assessments of the approach that the county is taking to delivering on the block grant.
DHS News Article
Read about the Human Services Block Grant by requesting the following article from DHS News
- The Human Services Block Grant: Inside the Process, May 2013