Mandated Reporters of Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect

Laws governing who must report child abuse and how to report it are complicated. To ensure that no misinterpretations are made, the links below go directly to the appropriate section of the law that applies to the topics listed.

If you have additional questions related to mandated reports of child abuse, talk with your attorney.

Mandated Reporters are requested to use the PA Child Welfare Portal to report suspected abuse.

Mandated Reports

§ 6311.  Persons required to report suspected child abuse

Permissive Reporters

§ 6312.  Persons encouraged to report suspected child abuse will be known as "permissive reporters"

How to Report Abuse

23 PACS § 6313.  Reporting procedure

Providing Photos and X-rays 

§ 6314.  Photographs, medical tests and x-rays of child subject to report

CYF Duties to Mandated Reporters

§ 6383.  Education and training

§ 6368.  Investigation of reports 

Fatalities and Near Fatalities

§ 6367.  Reports to department and coroner

Under One Year of Age Born with Illegal Substance, Etc.

23 PACS § 6386.  Mandatory reporting of children under one year of age.

Newborn Protection

§ 6505.  Reporting acceptance of newborns

Endangering the welfare (crimes code)

18 Pa.C.S. § 4304.

Confidential Communications

§ 6311.1.  Privileged communications

§ 5943.  Clergymen

§ 5928.  Attorneys

Child Protective Services Law (CPSL) Definitions 

§ 6303.  Definitions


Training for Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect