Important Resources
As part of the Traffic Safety Education Project, here is a compiled a list of helpful driving and safety resources.
General Traffic Safety
Are you a safe driver? Do you practice good habits? Do you understand the rules of the road? Read up on how to drive safely.
Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving is when someone drives in a dangerous manner. Examples of aggressive driving include speeding or tailgating (driving too close to the vehicle in front of you). Driving aggressively can increase the risk of getting into a car crash.
Child Passenger Safety (CPS)
As children grow, the way they should ride in a car changes based on their age, weight, height, and developmental needs. Get information about choosing the right car seat or restraint method for you child:
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is when you aren’t completely focused on the road. Anything that takes your attention away from driving or causes you to remove your hands from the wheel is a distraction. Examples of distractions include eating, smoking, applying makeup, looking at your phone, tuning a radio, or talking to another passenger.
Impaired Driving
Impaired driving means driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Older Drivers
According to PennDOT, an older driver is a licensed motorist over the age of 65.
Motorcycle Safety
Motorcycle use is on the rise in Pennsylvania. If you drive or ride on a motorcycle, safety should be your top priority.
Pedestrian Safety
At some point, everyone is a pedestrian. It’s important to learn how to safely walk near traffic to reduce your risk of death or injury.
Seat Belts
Always wearing your seat belt is the best way to protect yourself in the event of a motor vehicle crash.
Young Drivers
Car crashes are the leading cause of death among young drivers ages 16-24 years old. It’s very important that young drivers understand the rules of the road and how to stay safe while driving or riding in a car with friends.
Bicycle Safety
According to the law, bicycles are considered vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles.