Lead Resources

Health Department Services

Risk Assessments

The ACHD Housing and Community Environment program offers free lead paint risk assessments for qualifying families. Please visit ACHD's Housing & Community Environment Program's Lead Exposure Testing page for more information.

Phone Education

The ACHD’s Housing and Community Environment program provides a phone consultation about how to mitigate exposure to lead and identify hazards in the home. For families with children under 6 years old with confirmed elevated blood lead levels of 3.5 ug/dl or above.

Call 412-350-4046 to learn more.

Below are additional resources.

Allegheny Lead Safe Homes Program (from Allegheny County Economic Development)

The Allegheny Lead Safe Homes Program provides free home repairs to keep families safe from lead paint.

The following services are provided free of charge to eligible families:

  • Lead paint testing throughout your home
  • Home repairs to address all lead hazards
  • Lead safety education

To be eligible, families must:

  • Be homeowners or renters in Allegheny County
  • Live in a home built before 1978
  • Have a child under 6 who lives in or regularly visits the home OR a pregnant woman who lives in the home
  • Meet applicable income limits

For more information call 412-227-5700 or visit the Allegheny Lead Safe Homes webpage.

Find a Lead Professional (Inspector, Risk Assessor, or Contractor)

Hire an EPA certified inspector, risk assessor, or contractor.

To locate a local certified renovator or contractor, visit the EPA website or the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry website.

Always check with the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry to confirm the certification status for any lead professional you consider hiring. Visit their Lead Occupations page (look for the subject heading “H. Individuals Certified in Lead-Based Paint Occupations").

Lead in Water

Test Your Water

Residents that are PWSA customers can call PWSA 412-255-2423 between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday or email servicelines@pgh2o.com with their name, address, and phone number to request a test kit.

Those who are not PWSA customers should call their water provider to inquire about testing for lead.

If there is lead in water, consider replacing the lead service line.

  • Coordinate lead service line replacement with PWSA or water provider.
  • The ACHD does not recommend doing a partial lead line replacement. When lead service lines are disturbed but not replaced, they can release lead for weeks or months after the disturbance. For more information on service lines, please see our prevention page. If you are looking to replace your entire lead service line, you should coordinate both the public and private lead line replacement with the PWSA.
  • Contact the Lead Help Desk at 412-255-8987 or visit the PWSA website.

Urban Redevelopment Authority’s Replace Old Lead Lines Program (ROLL)

The Replace Old Lead Lines Program (ROLL) is designed to help City of Pittsburgh property owners replace their lead water service lines.

ROLL is a loan with an interest rate of 3% and a term of 10 years. Residents may borrow up to $10,000 for a single unit home, although the home can have up to four units.

For more information, visit the ROLL information page or call the URA at 412-255-6677 to request an application.

Get a Water Filter

NSF certified water pitchers and filters remove lead from water. Look for a pitcher or filter that specifically says it removes lead on the box or label.

For those in the PWSA service area, contact Women for a Healthy Environment 412-404-2872 to get a filter for free. Priority is given to pregnant people and households with a child under 6 years old.

Filters that remove lead can be purchased online or at your local hardware store for about $25. Make sure it is NSF certified to remove lead. Keep in mind that filter cartridges need to be replaced frequently.

Early Intervention

Children 0-3 years old with a confirmed blood lead level of ≥3.5μg/dL qualify for Early Intervention services. For more information, contact the Alliance for Infants & Toddlers by calling 412-885-6000.

For children 3-5 years old, contact the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, DART program by calling 412-394-5904.

Soil Testing

Below are some resources to get soil tested. Please note: these organizations are not affiliated with the Allegheny County Health Department.

The lab will explain how to interpret your results. Make sure to read any information the lab sends with your results.