In May 2017, a task force was created by Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald, with the goal of addressing lead exposure hazards throughout the county.
The members of this task force were asked to create a set of recommendations to best protect public health. To do this, they looked at local data, reviewed scientific studies, and spoke to experts in the field as well as members of the public. Together, this helped them get a better idea of the risks experienced by the community.
In December 2017, they released a report with their recommendations. The report emphasizes a focus on prevention and stresses that various agencies and partners need to work together to reach the best possible outcomes.
Their recommendations follow four main priorities: control sources of lead, monitor and report on exposure, investigate hazards, and educate the public.
Control sources of lead:
- Reduce exposures to lead paint, water from lead pipes, and contaminated soil
- Strengthen and create further programs for testing and remediation, such as the Lead-Safe Homes Program, which offers free testing and repairs to qualified residents
- Advocate for better national standards of water safety
- Identify and eliminate other possible sources of lead exposure
Monitor and report on exposure:
- Continue to analyze and report data about lead exposure in Allegheny County
- Identify communities at high risk
- Use this information to support better prevention and intervention efforts
Investigate hazards:
- Maintain standards in line with CDC and EPA guidelines
- Prioritize testing of older homes and those with other risk factors
- Make sure families of children with elevated blood lead levels are given appropriate information on what to do next
- Stay up-to-date on any recalls or other information about new sources of possible lead exposure
Educate the public:
- Create a committee to advise agencies and healthcare workers, provide information and resources to the public, and advocate for continued efforts to reduce lead exposure (currently accomplished through a partnership with Lead Safe Allegheny)
- Provide public access to information through the ACHD website, brochures, and other sources
- Expand strategies to reduce exposure, remediate existing hazards, and support the community
In the years since the task force created these recommendations, they have remained the core of our ongoing efforts to address the health effects of lead exposure.