Contact the Health Department Ask a general question, file a complaint, and request an ACHD representative speak at an event.
Health Department Careers Find open positions, contract roles, and supporting information about careers in the Allegheny County Health Department.
Infectious Disease Epidemiology The Infectious Disease Epidemiology (IDE) Program is responsible for surveillance of all infectious reportable conditions, investigation of disease outbreaks, and monitoring of vaccination coverage.
Chronic Disease Epidemiology The Chronic Disease Epidemiology section collects, monitors and analyzes data on chronic diseases and other public health-related conditions across the county.
Public Health Information Office The Public Health Information Office is responsible for disseminating the Health Department's message to the community.
Family and Child Health Programs Browse programs aimed at improving the quality of life and health of mothers/birthing persons, infants, children, and families in Allegheny County.
Board of Health The Board of Health is a governing board that oversees the rules and regulations for disease prevention and the promotion of public health programs and initiatives in Allegheny County.
Legal The legal section provides counsel and professional legal services for the Allegheny County Health Department.