Plan for a Healthier Allegheny

Every five years, the health department engages the community to assess various health services, rate community priorities and develop a plan to improve the health of residents. The resulting document is the community health improvement plan, the Plan for a Healthier Allegheny 2023-2027(PDF, 2MB).

This plan prioritizes issues identified by residents from the 2019 and 2021 community health surveys, community listening sessions and the 2022 Community Health Assessment(PDF, 5MB). It establishes goals and objectives for improving health outcomes, and metrics for evaluating progress. At the same time, the plan identifies strategies, lead agencies, and other organizations that currently (or have the capacity to) contribute to the advancement of health outcomes for the community.

Overarching Goals and Principles

The goal of the Plan for a Healthier Allegheny (PHA) is that Allegheny County residents will live healthy lives as demonstrated by their physical and behavioral health and the environments in which they live, learn, work and play. The Plan for a Healthier Allegheny includes focusing on principles of equity-driven, community-engaged, data supported, policy-oriented actions and programming to support the health and well-being of Allegheny County.

To achieve this goal, there are three identified priority areas: physical health, behavioral health, and the environment, each with measurable goals, metrics and actionable strategies. focusing on the three priority areas can help achieve improved health outcomes for Allegheny County.

Physical Behavioral Environmental
  • Behaviors that promote physical health and reduce risk of chronic diseases
  • Access to medical and dental care
  • Decrease disparities
  • Access to behavioral health services, including treatment for substance use disorders
  • Increase participation in programs and activities that support mental health and well-being
  • Stable, safe housing
  • Violence reduction in homes and communities
  • Ensure communities are prepared to adapt and absorb the impacts of climate change


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