Blakey Center Public Health Clinic
1908 Wylie Avenue
Ground Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Nearby PRT Bus Routes: 81 Oakhill, 82 Lincoln, 83 Bedford Hill
The clinic is handicap accessible through the parking lot and back door. Free on street parking is available in front of the clinic, as well as handicap parking in the lot next to the clinic.
All patients with an appointment, or a walk in visit, are required to take a number and clipboard and complete the intake form (yellow card). Patients are called by their number to ensure confidentiality. For unscheduled appointments, depending on patient volume in the clinic, patients may have to wait longer than expected. The clinic aims to provide services to patients in a timely manner. Patients may be called out of numerical order when appropriate.
Patients should bring a photo ID (i.e., driver’s license, passport, state ID, college ID) to the registration booth with the clinic number and intake form.
Personal health information is protected by HIPPA. According to the recently enacted 21st Cures Act by Congress, patients have greater access to view their medical information on line and health care providers may have access to medical records for the coordination of care.
During the visit, one of the clinicians will draw a blood sample and ask for a urine sample for STI/HIV testing to send to the on-site laboratory. The results of the tests will be provided to the patient by clinical staff when the results are posted to the clinic from the lab.
Patients should wait 10 days before calling for results (412-578-8081). Calls will usually be answered right away or patients can leave a message and a staff member will return the call within 1-2 business days.
Free treatment is available for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis and trichomoniasis. Patient’s diagnosed with HIV will receive a referral for care at one of the local HIV treatment facilities.
Also, feel free to view Your Rights As A Patient in Pennsylvania(PDF, 212KB) and ACHD Policy 308 - HIPAA Privacy Notice(PDF, 1MB).
Please note if this is a medical emergency, go to the nearest Emergency Department. Patients seeking Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) for HIV should go to the nearest health care provider. The ACHD Public Health Clinic does not provide PEP.