HIV-AIDS Resources

The Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD) operates a voluntary HIV testing program. Find more information about the free screening we offer at our Walk-in Clinic.

HIV Testing and Counseling

The ACHD provides opt-out HIV testing. Clinical staff provide information about HIV testing, risk reduction, and help patients understanding their test results. Patients who test positive for HIV receive counseling and are encouraged to refer their sex partners for counseling and testing.

Medical Services

When a person is identified as being HIV positive, they are strongly encouraged to begin medical monitoring with a health care provider. Here is a list of HIV Care Options(PDF, 380KB) available in Allegheny County.

All patients newly diagnosed at ACHD's Public Health Clinic will receive T-cell testing (to measure the level of T-cells in the blood), and viral load testing (to measure the amount of virus in the blood).

HIV/AIDS Surveillance Program

The HIV Surveillance Program conducts data monitoring at major hospitals and outpatient clinics in Allegheny County.

As of June 1, 2001, the ACHD added HIV to the list of reportable diseases. ACHD Regulation Article V, Reporting of HIV(PDF, 478KB), requires physicians, laboratories, health care facilities, and all HIV test sites to report positive HIV test results to the County.

The purpose of the Surveillance Program is to ensure that all HIV/AIDS cases diagnosed by the hospital have been properly reported and that any misdiagnosed AIDS cases become incorporated into the case report. As of October 18, 2002, HIV cases must be reported to the state by name.

The staff reviews hospital case records on the basis of ICD-9 codes. These codes are used in computerized hospital medical records and indicate an AIDS diagnosis according to CDC guidelines.

The Surveillance Program works in conjunction with the ACHD TB Control Program to screen TB patients for HIV infection and to make sure that identified HIV positive individuals are skin tested for tuberculosis.

Health and Risk Reduction Education

Trained educators design and conduct educational sessions about HIV/AIDS and STDs for the public, health and human service workers, and high-risk individuals.

We also provide educational and informative brochures to schools, hospitals, and community service agencies.

HIV/STI Dashboard and Data

Visit the HIV/STI dashboard to learn more about rates of STIs and basic demographic information of those with various STIs from 2013-2022.

Read the 2023 HIV Epidemiologic Profile(PDF, 279KB).

AIDS Free Pittsburgh

The Allegheny County Health Department is a partner of AIDS Free Pittsburgh (AFP).

AIDS Free Pittsburgh is a collaborative initiative comprised of government agencies, healthcare institutions, and community-based organizations that strive to support and improve the care of people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as high-risk negative communities.

For more information please visit AIDS Free Pittsburgh.

You can also view PrEP and PEP Information.

Have an urgent question? Please call us at 412-578-8081. For information about our walk-in STI clinic, please see our Public Health Clinic (HIV/STI) and Testing Information page.

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