Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about business registration, developing a business plan, tax incentives or financing programs available through the county, you may find the answer here.
Does Allegheny County have loans available to businesses?
Yes, loan programs are available to help with financing fixed assets. Our financing works in conjunction with conventional bank financing. For help in identifying what options you may qualify for please contact the Economic Development office at 412-350-1000.
Does Allegheny County provide assistance locating available properties to start my business?
Yes. Our business development staff can assist your search for the right business location by using a commercial property database with many properties available for lease/sale.
Does Allegheny County offer any tax incentive programs for businesses moving into Allegheny County?
Allegheny County participates in a number of tax abatement programs including Opportunity Zones and the LERTA Commercial Abatement Program that were created to improve the economic and business climate of certain defined areas. Please contact Economic Development to determine what areas or projects-based developments are eligible.
How does a business bid on projects available through Allegheny County Economic Development?
We advertise all current and upcoming opportunities for business contracting. Projects and bids are advertised in the local newspaper and on our Bids Notices, or you can receive the listing by contacting our Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) compliance office at 412-350-1000.
I am buying a home. Can you provide assistance with the mortgage, closing cost, and down payment assistance?
Our Residential Finance Authority (RFA) offers low-interest 30-year, fixed-rate mortgages through the 2010 Single-Family Mortgage Revenue Bond Program to eligible first-time homebuyers who are county residents through our First-Time Homebuyer Program, when funding is available.
I want to do some home improvements and need a loan. What assistance is available to me?
The Allegheny Home Improvement Loan Program (AHILP) is an affordable way for eligible county residents to finance home improvements.
Where can I find financing for the housing development?
The Allegheny Housing Development Fund (AHDF) can provide gap-financing support for affordable housing developments.
Do you provide any funding for a human service or homeless program?
The Residential Division awards contract to nonprofit agencies providing essential services through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).