Lead-Safe Homes Program

The Allegheny Lead-Safe Homes Program offers qualifying homeowners and renters in the county free lead-paint testing and hires a certified lead-abatement contractor to stabilize or eliminate lead paint.

Examples of work include repainting chipping and peeling lead-painted surfaces, window and door repair or replacement, and enclosing old exterior lead-painted trim.

For additional information, check the list of frequently asked questions(PDF, 134KB).

To Apply


Begin the Pre-Screening Process Online

Expand the relevant sections below (Homeowners, Tenants, Landlords, Contractors) to find eligibility information, what to expect, and to access the forms.

Note that the forms are not an application—they are pre-screens to determine eligibility. When someone is found eligible, an intake coordinator will follow up.

Questions? Contact us.



  1. Age of Property: Home must be built prior to 1978
  2. Family Composition: A child under the age of six must live in or regularly visit the home, or a pregnant woman must live in the home
  3. Income: Must meet the following qualifications (under 80% Area Median Income)
Household Size Annual Income
 1 $56,700
 2 $64,800
3 $72,900
4 $80,950
5 $87,450
6 $93,950
7 $100,400
8 $106,900

To Apply

The intake specialist at ACTION-Housing will send an application and request backup documentation. Applicants will need to provide ID and income documentation for all household members.

Valid Identification

  • Government-issued ID for all record owners
  • Birth certificate (or other documentation of age) for all children under the age of six

Income Documentation

  • Paystubs or most recent benefit statements in the case of Social Security, Disability, Pension, Cash Assistance, or documentation for any other regular source of income
  • Bank statements for all accounts
  • Documentation of assets, such as 401k, investment accounts, etc.
  • Copy of most recent tax return

Next Steps

  • Eligibility Review: After receiving the complete application and required supporting documentation, Allegheny County Economic Development will send an approval or denial letter.
  • Lead Inspection: A Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment firm will make an appointment to assess the lead hazards in the home.
  • Scope Development: Urban Redevelopment Authority program staff will develop a scope of work and assign a contractor to eliminate or control the lead hazards.
  • Lead Hazard Control Work: The lead hazard control work will be scheduled and completed.
  • Temporary Relocation: Homeowners will need to be temporarily relocated from their homes during the lead hazard control work. The ACED Client Coordinator will work to establish a Temporary Relocation Plan.
  • Clearance: Once the work is complete, a clearance test will be performed to verify that the lead hazards have been eliminated.

Complete the Homeowners Eligibility Form



  1. Age of Property: Home must be built prior to 1978
  2. Family Composition: A child under the age of six must live in or regularly visit the home, or a pregnant woman must live in the home
  3. Income: Must meet the following qualifications (under 80% Area Median Income)
Household Size Annual Income
1 $56,700
2 $64,800
3 $72,900
4 $80,950
5 $87,950
6 $93,950
7 $100,400
8 $106,900

To Apply

The intake specialist at ACTION-Housing will send an application and request backup documentation to complete the application. Landlords will also need to fill out an application. Applicants will need to provide ID and Income Documentation for all household members.

Valid Identification

  • Government-issued ID for all record owners
  • Birth certificate (or other documentation of age) for all children under the age of six

Income Documentation

  • Paystubs or most recent benefit statements in the case of Social Security, Disability, Pension, Cash Assistance, or documentation for any other regular source of income
  • Bank statements for all accounts
  • Documentation of assets, such as 401k, investment accounts, etc.
  • Copy of most recent tax return

Next Steps

  • Eligibility Review: After receiving the complete application and required supporting documents, Allegheny County Economic Development will send an approval or denial letter.
  • Lead Inspection: A Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment firm will make an appointment to assess the lead hazards in the home.
  • Scope Development: Urban Redevelopment Authority program staff will develop a scope of work and assign a contractor to eliminate or control the lead hazards.
  • Lead Hazard Control Work: The lead hazard control work will be scheduled and completed.
  • Temporary Relocation: Homeowners will need to be temporarily relocated from their homes during the lead hazard control work. The ACED Client Coordinator will work to establish a Temporary Relocation Plan.
  • Clearance: Once the work is complete, a clearance test will be performed to verify that the lead hazards have been eliminated.

Complete the Tenants Eligibility Form



  1. Age of Property: Home must be built prior to 1978
  2. Current Tenant: Tenant must be low-income and have a child under the age of six that lives in or regularly visits the home, or a pregnant woman must live in the home
  3. Priority: Must be willing to give priority to low-income families with a child under the age of six age 6 for three years following completion of the repairs.
  4. Landlords may be required to make a financial contribution if the repairs are valued above $12,000.

To Apply

The intake specialist at ACTION-Housing will send an application and a request for backup documentation to complete the application. ID and Proof of Insurance will need to be provided.

Valid Identification

  • Government-issued ID for all record owners
  • If the property is owned by an LLC, a copy of the operating agreement listing all owners

Proof of Insurance

  • Proof of current homeowners insurance policy
  • Proof of flood insurance, if in a flood zone

Next Steps

  • Eligibility Review: After receiving the complete application and required supporting documents, Allegheny County Economic Development will send an approval or denial letter.
  • Lead Inspection: A Lead Inspection/Risk Assessment firm will make an appointment to assess the lead hazards in the home.
  • Scope Development: Urban Redevelopment Authority program staff will develop a scope of work and assign a contractor to eliminate or control the lead hazards.
  • Lead Hazard Control Work: The lead hazard control work will be scheduled and completed.
  • Clearance: Once the work is complete, a clearance test will be performed to verify that the lead hazards have been eliminated.

Complete the Landlords Eligibility Form


Interested in becoming a lead-abatement contractor for the Allegheny Lead Safe Homes Program? The Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County (RAAC) contracts with residential renovation and remodeling companies to perform lead hazard control work under the program. Contractors must meet all lead training and certification requirements set by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry (PA DLI) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

There are two ways to join the contractor pool.

Request for Qualifications for Certified Firms
Firms that already have the required PA DLI and EPA renovation, repair, or painting (RRP) certifications are encouraged to fill out the Request for Qualifications (RFQ)(PDF, 315KB). Apply as soon as possible to have the greatest chance of selection.

Contractor Training Program
Firms that do not yet have all the required certifications can apply to the Allegheny Lead-Safe Homes Contractor Training Program(PDF, 207KB), which will pay the costs associated with obtaining the necessary certifications. Email LeadSafeHomes@AlleghenyCounty.us or call Brian Baker at 412-350-1015.