Land Use Planning

State law requires that counties adopt a land use and growth management plan that establishes broad goals and criteria to guide municipalities in the preparation of their plans. Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED) helps the county meet and exceed requirements by providing the following services.
In addition to working with other county departments, ACED offers services to municipalities, the public, developers, and others to implement the vision of Allegheny Places: The Allegheny County Comprehensive Plan as well as the Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP).
Advisory Reviews
- Site Plans and Subdivisions
- Land Use Ordinances and Comprehensive Plans
- Grant and Permit Consistency Determinations
Recorded Plans
ACED reviews and signs final record plans (formerly mylars) of approved subdivisions, site plans, and planned residential developments (PRDs) for all municipalities except the City of Pittsburgh.
Stormwater Management
The Pennsylvania Storm Water Management Act (Oct. 4, 1978, P.L. 864, No. 167) provides for the regulation of land and water uses for flood control and stormwater management. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) approved the Allegheny County Act 167 Stormwater Management on May 31, 2018.
ACED supports transportation projects and planning initiatives.
Municipal Planning Workshops
ACED sponsors workshops to educate local officials on relevant land use planning issues. The following are presentations from previous workshops.
Grant Consistency Reviews
ACED reviews state and federal applications for consistency with Allegheny Places upon request. To request a review, email a minimum of 10 days prior to the grant deadline.
Requests must include:
Permit Consistency Reviews
ACED reviews state permit applications for consistency with Allegheny Places, particularly Department of Environmental Protection Act 14 and NPDES permits. Email permits for review to
Permits may also be mailed to:
ACED Planning Division
436 Seventh Avenue, Suite 500
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Other Resources
ACED Authorities Financing Programs
For manufacturers, businesses, municipalities, residents, healthcare facilities, and nonprofits seeking funds for land development, acquisitions, expansions, and renovations
Bid Notices
Browse federally funded and non-federally funded projects by Allegheny County Economic Development (ACED)
Find documents to help obtain business funding, locate suitable real estate development sites, and prepare subdivision plans
Related Links
Explore additional sources of financing and tax credits, open records, and other resources