Community Awareness Programs

Our full range of Crime Prevention and Community Awareness Programs are presentations tailored to educate children, adolescents, teens, adults and seniors in a community or school setting. In addition to programs for specific age groups, topics are also designed for individuals, groups, businesses, and educational institutions.

We take pride in tailoring programs to fit the needs of our residents and communities. If you are interested in a crime prevention topic not currently being offered, please let us know. Some of our community programs are even available via video-conferencing.

For more information or to request programs or services, please contact Officer Bobbie Bertalan in the Crime Prevention/Community Relations Office at 412-473-1322 or use the online form.

Educational Program Topics

For Children

Our programs provide information in a fun and informative way. Children are taught how to stay safe while at school, at home and in their neighborhood.

Bicycle and Helmet Safety

Children are taught safe riding techniques as well as the proper way to wear a bicycle helmet. This program is also partnered with bicycle rodeos and helmet fittings, when available.

Charlie Check-First Programs

Children are educated on how to avoid dangerous situations and potentially dangerous people. They are provided information on the Buddy System; home safety; to always get permission from a parent or guardian; and what to do when lost in order to remain safe.

Halloween Safety

Halloween can be a dangerous time for children due to the large numbers of young pedestrians walking near or on the street when it is getting dark. Children and parents will be provided with safety tips for costumes as well as proper safety equipment to wear and carry. Safe handling of treats and best safety practice techniques for pedestrians are also explored.

Pedestrian Safety - Buckle Bear

This program teaches children the safest techniques for walking near the street and crossing the street. Children are instructed on the proper clothing to wear, as well as when and where to walk safely. Various safe walking techniques are discussed in a fun way that will encourage children to think about safety first when walking near public streets.  

Seat Belt Safety - Buckle Bear

The Buckle Bear program is used to teach preschool and elementary school-aged children the importance of using their seat belts and riding in a child safety seat. Various safe riding requirements are discussed in a fun way that will encourage children to think about safety first when traveling in a vehicle.

Camp Cadet

Camp Cadet is a one week camp open to boys and girls who live in Allegheny County. Since 2004, we have partnered with other local, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies to provide this program. Camp Cadet is designed to bring a better understanding of law enforcement to children between the ages of 12 to 14. Cadets participate in numerous activities that help build teamwork, self-esteem and discipline, while creating friendships.


For Everyone

Safe Driving Programs

Our driver, passenger and pedestrian safety programs are designed to increase the safety of preschoolers, elementary students, teen drivers, adults and seniors. Presentations are geared to the audience and will entertain as well as inform. 

Vehicle Theft Prevention

We provide vehicle owners and drivers with safety tips on how to protect your vehicle and prevent vehicle theft. We also discuss vehicle theft statistics and techniques for prevention.

For Seniors

Identity Theft Prevention and Reporting

You will be instructed on the best techniques to prevent personal information from being used to commit the crime of identity theft. We teach how to keep their personal information secure and the ways a criminal can gain and use data to commit a crime. You will also be informed of how and where to report if you have been a victim of identity theft.


Community Event Programs

Our Community Event Programs are designed to increase the public's awareness of the crime assessment and prevention process.

These special units may be made available upon request for community events or presentations:

  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team (Bomb Squad)
  • Explosive Ordnance Disposal K-9 (Bomb K9s)
  • Special Weapons and Tactics Team (SWAT)
  • Mounted Patrol
  • Bicycle Unit