911 dispatch helps keep Allegheny County safe
Enjoy the natural beauty of the Hartwood Acres Meadow
Children Initiatives offers hands on education programs and activities
Allegheny County offers STD/STI testing and treatment
Elections staff supports more than 900,000 registered voters
Allegheny County Jail focuses on re-entry programming and services
Applying for a marriage license with Allegheny County
Budget Department keeps the county on track
Carpenters, electricians, laborers, and more help maintain county operations
Enjoy the free Summer Concert Series
Facilities Management keep things running smoothly
Allegheny County Police promote safety in our communities
County courtrooms hear civil, family, property, and criminal cases
Find land, court, and more records in the Department of Court Records
Free vaccination clinics
Visit the historic County Courthouse
The IT Department keeps the county connected
Join Park Rangers for educational hikes and programming
Supporting our seniors and most vulnerable neighbors
Economic Development helps build our communities
Kane nursing staff supports hundreds of residents
Make a splash as a lifeguard at the four county pools
Grab a bite to eat on Food Truck Fridays
Public Works maintains our roadways
South Park Game Preserve has buffalo, peacocks, and more
Register to vote in upcoming elections
Host your wedding or special event at one of the county venues (Photo by Daria Elyse Photography)
Ski and snowboard all winter long in Boyce Park
Researching and promoting health education
Maintaining the historic Roberto Clemente Bridge