Voter registration is a process by which a person verifies that they meet all qualifications to be eligible to vote and are then registered to cast a vote in the upcoming election.
Voter Registration Status
Confirm voter registration status by providing a full name or PennDOT Driver’s License number or PennDOT ID. If registered, party affiliation and polling place address will be displayed once the system locates the voter registration record.
In Pennsylvania, residents must register to vote no later than 15 days before the election.
Register to Vote Online
Postmarks No Longer Apply Applications to register to vote must be received by 5:00 pm in the Elections Division on the deadline.
Voter Registration Application
The voter registration application is also available in:
The application must be completed in blue or black ink only.
The voter registration application will not be considered valid without a signature.
The voter registration application will not be processed without the appropriate postage. Mail to:
Elections Division County Office Building 542 Forbes Avenue, Room 312 Pittsburgh, PA 15219
In person voter registrations can be completed at the Allegheny County Elections Office:
Google Directions
Phone: 412-350-4500
Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
The information on the application will be reviewed for accuracy.
Once the voter registration has been processed and approved, applicants will receive a voter registration card in the mail.
Use the online search tool to find additional locations to register to vote, including PennDOT locations and other government offices.
In the event of a voter's death, their voter registration should be cancelled as soon as possible. A cancellation form can only be completed by an immediate family member or the executor of the deceased's estate. View the Cancellation of Voter Registration Record Due to Death of the Voter(PDF, 149KB) form.
Phone: 412-350-4500 Fax: 412-350-5697
Contact the Elections Division