Departments and Offices

Browse the department directory
County Executive: Sara Innamorato
The County Executive is the highest elected official in Allegheny County and is responsible for the oversight and operation of 20 departments under the jurisdiction of the executive branch. The County Executive represents the county in all meetings and negotiations involving economic development, as well as in all meetings and negotiations with the heads of other governmental or government-related bodies.
Learn about the County Executive
County Controller: Corey O'Connor
The Office of the Controller is responsible for the oversight of Allegheny County’s financial operations, services, spending, and contracts. On the County Controller's site, users can report financial fraud or waste, search county contracts, access the Property Tax Estimate Worksheet, and review the Controller's climate action recommendations.
Learn about the County Controller's Office
County Council
Allegheny County Council is the legislative branch of the county government. The council's duties include approving legislation and the county's budget, permitting use of county property, levying taxes and fees, and confirming or rejecting appointments for county agencies. Council meetings are open to the public, and those wishing to speak or submit comments may sign up to do so up to 24 hours prior to a meeting.
Learn about County Council
Court of Common Pleas
The Court of Common Pleas, located in downtown Pittsburgh, is a trial court of general jurisdiction, covering four divisions: Criminal, Civil, Family, and Orphans'. The Court divisions adjudicate a wide array of matters including criminal prosecutions, civil disputes involving money or property, child support, custody, dependency, adoptions, guardianships, and appeals. Within the Courts, the Office of Jury Management oversees the selection and summoning of jurors to serve as peer arbitrators in cases heard before the Fifth Judicial District of Pennsylvania.
Learn about the Court of Common Pleas
District Attorney: Stephen A. Zappala, Jr.
The Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office, located in the County Courthouse, serves as the Chief Law Enforcement Office of the county and is dedicated to protecting the rights and safety of its residents and communities.
Learn about the District Attorney's Office
Sheriff: Kevin M. Kraus
The Sheriff's Office is organized into three branches: Civil, Courts, and Investigations. The office issues licenses to sell and carry firearms, including concealed carry permits. It also administers public auctions to satisfy legal judgments and a medication disposal program. The Sheriff's Office provides information on the monthly Sheriff's sale of property and on navigating the civil process in order to have Court documents served on someone.
Learn about the Sheriff's Office
Treasurer: Erica Rocchi Brusselars
The Treasurer's Office collects property taxes, provides licenses (including for dogs, hunting, fishing, and bingo), and administers special taxes (including for alcoholic beverages, hotel rooms, and vehicle rentals).
Learn about the Treasurer's Office