Meals and Commissary

Family and friends can now order commissary items or customized take-out meals for incarcerated individuals.

Inmate Meals

Trinity Services Group, Inc. is the provider of meals to incarcerated individuals at the Allegheny County Jail. Individuals are provided breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. The kitchen produces over 8,000 meals a day for incarcerated individuals and employees. Meals are selected from a menu schedule designed to meet recommended dietary allowances and caloric intake requirements. Friends and family can also order customized take-out meals for incarcerated individuals. A registered dietitian reviews the menu schedule. ACJ’s food service operation is subject to frequent inspections to ensure that all applicable standards and laws are met. Meals are never used as a reward or disciplinary measure.

Product availability and supply chain issues might cause shifts to the days certain meals are provided.

The jail’s meal policy provides that all individuals are provided three meals per day, two of which must be hot. Certain emergencies or facility operation disruptions may necessitate the suspension of this policy. Emergency meals are provided during those occasions.

Provisions will be made for special diets for health or religious reasons. The medical department will order a special diet for an incarcerated individual, if indicated by a health condition. Incarcerated individuals request a special diet for religious reasons by submitting a request.

Incarcerated individuals may volunteer to work in the kitchen with Summit employees to help prepare and serve meals across the facility. Individuals working in the kitchen receive additional accommodations for their services, including additional access to tablets and extra portions of food from the kitchen.

Due to the availability of additional volunteers in the facility, the quarantine of incarcerated individuals working in the kitchen does not impact the quality or timely delivery of meals to the housing units.


Oasis Commissary Services is the provider of commissary to incarcerated individuals at the Allegheny County Jail. Commissary is provided on a scheduled basis for each housing unit, usually once a week. Items available through commissary include food and drink, personal care products and property items like shoes, electronics or apparel.

Incarcerated individuals may order commissary on their housing units. Commissary is paid through individual accounts that may be replenished by friends and family members. For additional information about putting money on an incarcerated individual’s account, please reference Inmate Funds. Family and friends may deposit money and order commissary for an incarcerated individual by going to and creating an account.